
at Gethsemane Church

Confirmation is a 2-year process where we invite students in grade 7 and up to grow in their own faith by better understanding the fundamental teachings and doctrines of the Christian faith. We do this through Confirmation Intensives, which are typically Friday night/Saturday morning intensive teaching in the fall and a retreat to northern Arizona in the spring.

To the right you can see our expectations, goals, and dates.

Below, you can download editable or standard PDF versions of the Message Notes template and Service Hours tracker.

FALL Intensive

OCT 11-12, 2024

Our next Confirmation Intensive for students is October 11-12, 2024. Friday evening will be from 6-9pm (with dinner) and Saturday morning will be from 9am-noon (with breakfast).

Make sure to RSVP for the


The JH Winter Retreat will be our Spring Intensive for our confirmation program. It is open to all our JH students (grades 6-8) and will include confirmation-specific teaching, but will also be filled with worship, games, and valuable time together, all at Camp ALOMA outside of Prescott, AZ (yes, we’re hoping for snow).