Plan Your Visit
Visiting a church can be intimidating. We want to help! We’ve listed some key things to know below.
Once you’re ready, either simply show up on a Sunday or click Plan a Visit below to get started on your visit form. We’ll set a welcome gift aside for you, and start preparing for your kid’s check-in process to be as smooth as possible. We’re excited for you to join us on Sunday!
Gethsemane is a vibrant, multigenerational church where lives are truly changed. We believe that God readily meets us through His Word as we gather together each Sunday. We meet every weekend on Sundays at 1035 E Guadalupe Rd in Tempe, AZ.
Take a Tour of Campus
Choose Your Worship Time
8a Traditional Worship
In-person service with traditional instrumentation and formal liturgy.
10a Modern Worship
Livestream and in-person worship with modern instrumentation & GC Kids.

Know What
to Expect
Sundays at Gethsemane are exciting, casual, and relaxed. Come as you are!
Our services typically last about 60 minutes. Services typically include these elements:
A central part of Sunday service at Gethsemane Church is musical worship. We sing four to five hymns during our 8am traditional worship and about four modern worship songs at our 10am worship service. These times of singing start and end the services and are interspersed throughout the service. Times of singing always include projected and easy-to-read lyrics so that you can sing along as you’re willing and able.
During each worship service, there are several times where the pastor leads the church in prayer. Sometimes these prayers are in a call-and-response form, and these are always accompanied by words on the screen to guide the church’s responses and follow along with the prayers. We also generally recite the Lord’s Prayer together, with its words also projected.
Worship at Gethsemane Church is focused in on the Word of God in the Bible. The message is a time during every worship service that the pastor leads us in reflecting on these Words of God, grounding in their truth and helping to apply these biblical truths to our lives.
A celebration of Jesus called communion is celebrated every first and third Sunday of the month towards the end of the service. You are more than welcome join in the practice of communion, but we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our Lutheran understanding of the practice of communion.
Get Connected
Stop by the New Here cart after worship. We’d love to connect with you and give you a free gift bag!
In the meantime, you can check out Gethsemane on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for encouragement and to stay up to date on what’s going on in our church community.