Gethsemane Church's ministry to students in grades 6 - 12.


Here is our Spring 2025 Calendar! Mark your calendar for the events you see below:

GC Students Spring 2025 Calendar
GC Students General Information

To stay up-to-date with our 2025 events,
sign up for our Remind text updates! 


JH WINTER RETREAT | February 28-March 1, 2025

The JH Winter Retreat is a fantastic opportunity for students in grades 6-8 to get away, have fun, and most importantly have opportunities to engage Jesus and their relationship with with. We'll eat, play games, worship, and spend time studying the Bible and its concepts. We'll leave from Gethsemane after school on Friday, 2/28 (around 4pm) and return to Gethsemane around 4pm on Saturday, 3/1. Registration includes everything: food (dinner, breakfast, and lunch), travel, and accommodations.

COLOR WAR | March 30, 2025

Sunday March 30th from 6pm - 7:30pm we're hosting a color war! This is a *great* event to invite friends to. We'll have a lot of fun throwing color powder at each other, playing games, and then hearing an encouraging and challenging devotion from the Bible.

LOCK-IN | April 4, 2025

Come to the lock-in for 12 hours of memories and experiences! We'll have food and snacks throughout the night along with Bible study, games, open gym, Wii sports, sardines (the game, not the fish), and more! Cost is $10 to cover food and fun--either pay online or bring $10 cash the night of. Friends are welcome and encouraged to come! The lock-in goes from 7pm Friday night until 7am Saturday morning.

JH CAMP | May 23-25, 2025

JH Camp 2025 is coming--and we are SO excited to take your students to this life-changing camp! The dates of JH Camp are May 23-25 (Fri-Sun). JH Camp is open to students completing 5th-8th grades (entering grades 6-9 in the fall). Some highlights of Junior High Camp: Archery, Zipline, Delicious Food, Mountain Scooters, Bubble Balls, New Friends, Jesus-Centered Messages, Impactful Worship, Paintball, Field Games, Basketball, Volleyball, Free time, Campfires, S’mores, Water Olympics …and more!

HS CALI ADVENTURE | June 29 - July 3, 2025

Join us for a servant adventure to California! We'll serve at a church in Fullerton, CA for a couple days, tour Concordia University Irvine, and have a couple days of beach fun, too. More info to come!


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Our vision for GC Students: take Jesus into the world.

With everything we do at GC Students, we are asking this crucial question: “How are we helping these students take Jesus into their world (context) and everyday lives?”


We keep this flow relatively consistent across all our programming because it works well and it facilitates easier transitions between different levels of ministry, for kids, students, and volunteers.
We follow an ACTIVE > LARGE GROUP > SMALL GROUPS flow (see below).

GC Students Rotation Model

Each week, we structure our Active time together around one of these themes:


Engage in a project to help people in our community and church.


Events that make it easy to invite friends to like Turkey Bowling or a campus-wide game of capture the flag.


Set aside time to be guided through worship and prayer with special experiences and helpful new practices.


Study at a deeper level and start your week with a more thorough understanding of the intersection of faith and life.