Daily Devo 103 – Are You Loyal?

What does it mean to trust God? How can I be loyal to God? I’ve prayed for God to help me in bad situations, but the situations kept going and getting worse. I knew God could fix it, but he didn’t. What gives? In the book of Daniel, there’s a king Nebuchadnezzar and he threatened to throw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in a fire because they worshipped the God of the Bible and refused to worship the golden statue that Nebuchadnezzar set up. When they were told to worship something other than God, they refused and were sent to die, but they still chose to remain loyal, even on the way to being burned in a blazing furnace. So often when we face that temptation of doubt and anger, we have to remind ourselves to stay loyal and faithful to God.

Challenge: On your own, read the whole story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in Daniel 3. Reflect on their actions and their loyalty to God and pray to God to transform your heart into being more trusting of His processes for your life. Even when things get rough, trust that God is always with you and loves you.