Daily Devo 81 – Early Christmas

When is too early to set up for Christmas? Right after Halloween? Wait till Thanksgiving? Somewhere in between? Let me know what you think! This year I set up my Christmas tree November 9th… and I’ll tell you why! First, it’s important to note that one of the reasons we celebrate Christmas on December 25th is because of the Winter Solstice, AKA the shortest day/longest night of the year: out of this long night is born a bright light of hope! I set up my tree so early this year because the days lately have seemed longer and darker, and we all need to look to the hope we have in Jesus. We celebrate that He brought life-giving light on Christmas. We also look forward with 100% hope that He will be coming in the future to end all sin and wipe away all tears and hurt… for eternity! So I set up my Christmas tree early to remind me of that hope in Jesus.

Challenge: set up your Christmas decorations! If your family isn’t ready to set them all up, set something up in your room. Let it be a sign to you of the celebrations to come: Christmas, coming up in 6 weeks; and at the same time look forward to when Jesus will come back to take all of his followers, you included, to eternal life. THAT’S something to celebrate—early and often!