Daily Devo 78 – What do You Want?

Being in college has been so much fun. The freedom and ability to begin to taste what life is like on your own is something so unique. But one thing I now struggle with is doing chores. I always make excuses for why I can’t do them. In John 5, Jesus meets a paralyzed man and simply asks him if he wants to be healed. He responds with excuses of how he can’t heal himself, but that’s the point: Jesus didn’t need help to heal this man, Jesus could heal him entirely on his own. All Jesus wanted to know is if the man wanted to be healed, but all this man saw were the things holding him back.

My challenge to you today is to figure out what Jesus is calling you to do and what is holding you back from doing it. It may be an insecurity or pressure from others that may hold you back. It may even be that He is calling you to step outside of your comfort zone. Either way, through prayer, begin to strip back your excuses and whatever is holding you back from taking a step of faith in Christ.