Daily Devo 70 – Full Glory

What is the coolest thing you have ever seen in person? This summer I went to visit Wyoming and at the Grand Tetons, I hiked to a waterfall that took my breath away. It was an amazing display of God’s glory in creation. Jesus started his ministry with a different display of glory: he turn 120 gallons of water into the “best” of wines! He did this and many other miracles to show that he’s truly God’s Son. That also means his forgiveness for us won on the cross is REAL and part of God’s power and glory.

Challenge: look around and intentionally notice the glory of God and give Him the praise he deserves. Maybe you see the glory through the trees and nature or maybe you look at people and see how God spoke us into complex existence to live for Him. Each way we see the glory of God is a reason to give God praise.