Daily Devo 53 – Leap of Faith

I looked over the edge of the cliff and I started worrying about all the bad things that could happen. The more I stressed, the more scared I became. But I finally did it: I ran off the edge and fell toward the water! And my first 30-foot cliff jumping experience turned out just fine! In Matthew 6:25-34 Jesus talks a lot about worry, and specifically how worry only makes things worse. When we worry, we’re focused on ourselves. Jesus calls us to focus on God, who provides everything we actually need, so that we can spend our time and energy focused on serving and loving on others.

Challenge: Turn your focus to God. Know that it’s natural to worry, so next time you find yourself worked up and worrying, say a prayer or crack open the Bible or Google “Bible verses about worrying”. Let these things remind you that He has your back and He’ll always provide what you need.