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Daily Devo 28 – Taking Life

Name calling, bullying, anger–it’s sometimes hurtful and absolutely draining to be on the receiving end of these things. And God does NOT want this to be the way we treat each other! In Matthew 5:21-22, Jesus draws a hard line and says that murder and bullying and name-calling are all the same thing, and they’re absolutely wrong behavior. It boils down to this: they’re all life-taking. God calls us to be life giving, not just rule following and definitely not life taking. Yet we all struggle with this. How do you take life from people?

Today’s challenge is to replace life-taking anger with life-giving love. Start with the people closest to you: your family. How can you make life better for your sibling? How can you make life easier for your parent?

[Originally aired on 5/18/2020]